coolz's blog

Tuesday, August 29, 2006


I changed my poem. PLEASE TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK!!!!!

Im all alone but,
Surrounded by everyone.
No one but myself.
Noisey hallways, bratty kids,
Everyone's 'round me,
And yet I still hear nothing.
Giggles and laughter,
Never ever leave my lips.
I'll prove I am good,
If I ever get the chance.

I'm putting it in my blook sometime.



I live on a hill with the three craziest [not to mention ONLY] cat kids, ya read right CAT kids, on Earth.My name is Muse. Tiger is 14 like me. Brittany is 8 like Chazz. Me and Tiger are only 2 months apart. The unique thing about us, other than the cat thing, is that we have special powers. I have super strength. I know, it sounds comic bookey, and yes I know bookey isn't a real word. Tiger can smell a sharper, which I will tell you about those later, from 300 yards away. Brittany has premonitions, or in other words visions of things about to happen. And finally Chazz can turn invisible.


From now on I'm writing a book on my blog. If it has chaper[ insert number here] on it then it's for the book. If it has a title different than chapter [insert nmber here] then it is a regulsr blog entry.


Monday, August 28, 2006


Sorry I haven't typed in coolz's blog for sooooooo looooong! My computer couldn't go on the internet! AND my little sister lost the ball to the mouse AGAIN. I'm writting a story. But I don't think I'll publish it.


Wednesday, August 16, 2006


If I were to pick my favorite book of all time it would have to be Maximum Ride. I mean come on, I love it so much I made my username mzxrivelvr [Maximum Ride lover] You can buy the first book at for, like 99 cents. 99 CENTS! So even if you dont like it you only lost about a dollar! Trust me if you don't read this book you will never know why people like James Patterson's books sooo much. And it's for young adults but the people at have old people commenting on the books. If you go to the site Fang [one of the charters] has a blog there. It is cool. Maximum Ride is the name of the main charter. I think I misspelled that.



Sunday, August 13, 2006

LOL X 100

A few days ago one of my younger friends told mme a story about something funny she said when she was little. I'll write it like a play. [It's her dad and her]

Tori: I just beat all the kids in a race!
Dad: God job!
Tori: No one is faster than me, exept for Jesus.
Dad: That's not exatly true, Tori.
Tori: [supprised and wide-eyed] Ya mean I'm faster than Jesus?!

I could'nt stop laughing. Post to tell me what you think of the story!


Thursday, August 10, 2006


Today was the first day of school. It was hectic! I have a class in jr. high, then the band room, then the high school, then back to jr. high! Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

I can't think of a title for this entry

Why does everyone dress up like it's school pictures day on the first day of school? I've decided to dress like it's any other day at school. A t-shirt, a pair of boots, and my good jeans[I call them my good jeans cuz they fit nice and go good w/ my boots] I'm going to save my good cloths for pictures, church, and other special occoasions. Later!

- maxridelvr

Sunday, August 06, 2006


Here is a Haiku I made up.

I'm all alone but,
surrounded by everyone.
No one but myself.

Please post to tell me what you think!
P.S. If ya need help w/ a Haiku post it! I am the Haiku Master!


There was this one girl who ,Billi, I won't mention ,Billi ,that ,Billi, tried to take my boyfriend ,Billi. At our end-of-the-year cookout for the 6th grade we got the best plan ever! I made a big scene about how I hated my boyfriend and '' broke up'' with him. Then I shoved the ring he gave me at him. Aftre that I stormed away. Seceretly his friends were feeding my friends info of what she does who in turn give me the info. It killed me to be away from him cuz the plan went on for days! Whithin 5 min. of the "break up'' she asked him out and for my ring! Heck, I thought she flirted a lot with him before! I almost lost it! While we had extended care we planed to tell her that we're still togher. We decided to tell her at the end-of-the-year-school-dance. When we did she went to the corner to CRY. The sad thing is that I didn't care! 1. She derserved it. 2. I had my boyfriend back. And 3. one of my boyfriends friends called her a ... well I'm not gonna say, er... type it. But it was soo funny! I laughed for a looooooooooooooooooooooooong time.



Sorry I couldn't blog yesterday. Dad was hogging the computer. My brother did too. The only time I did get on is when I was looking for some cheap white rocketdog shoes with black skulls on 'em. He played teen titans for like 3 hrs. He whines when I play for 10 minutes and then he plays for a looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong time. Right now, while I'm blogging, he's watching the time like a hawk!

Friday, August 04, 2006


just like 2 minutes ago while i was watching lilo n stitch 2 with my sibs. when i looked outside it looked just like the nightmare i had last night! it totally creeped me out!

- maxridelvr

Have you ?

Have you read maximumride ? It is soo freaking awesome! I visit the site every day! [] The Weepies and The Summer Obsession r rockn'! maximumride 2 school's out forever is even better than the first one! [ maximumride the angel experiment]


helloooooooooooooooooooooo! n e body out there!

coolz's blog

sorry. im new 2 this blogging thing. didnt mean to put the name of my own blog on.

coolz's blog

coolz's blog

Dang. This is so freaking awesome! I think I'm gonna like this.