coolz's blog

Sunday, March 18, 2007


"Can we rewind back to the part where I walk in? What?!" I said, confused. "You are a mutant? Huh?" I said.
"I track others like us. Many captured mutants make blogs. I track them with a special machine and free them."
" Well this is rather strange. Why are you telling us this anyway? We're free. We don't need saveing." Tiger said. At least he'll speak to Rick, er, Sennet now.
" I want you guys to help me on a special mission to free some kids just like you. I used to have an entire crew of mutants to help me, but they quit. I have no idea why. The blogger's name is Blade. He and Todd, Tim, and Jenny are in a lab I have only pinpointed to the state. They are somewhere in Texas. Are you in?" Sennet asked me.
I'm all for saveing kids, but we'd be in danger. Well, if it were me in the lab somewhere in Texas, I would want someone to help me. "Sure." I said. Just then Sennet's computer started to bleep annoyingly.
"Perfect!" Sennet yelled happily. " He just posted again! If I can work fast, I can find out..." he trailed off, clicking frantically.
"I bet shotgun on the way there that this Blade guy is in an abandoned prison." Tiger barely whispered.
" Hospital." I mumbled back. I walked to the couch, my hands in my pockets. "Everything they'd need is right there."
"Muse get's shotgun. I found them. I need to look for some blueprints of the building..." Sennet trailed off again. Had he heard our bet.
" What's shotgun? Is it a gun she'll get to use on the mission?" Brittany asked.
"No. Shotgun is the front seat of a car." Tiger said, sitting on the couch next to me. "Lucky guess." he said.
"Okay. Let's go." Sennet said, and before I knew it, we were on our way. My gosh what have I done!?

Tuesday, February 27, 2007


"Now, will you tell me what the heck's wrong."
"I'm fine. Let's go." is all Tiger said to me. We walked for a while. Now that I'm not so angry, I'm starting to enjoy this walk. I took a deep breath.
"Is something wrong?" Tiger asked.
"No. It's just so ... peaceful. Ya know."
"Yeah. I agree." he said. Not really happy or sad. Or anything pretty much.
"Let's go back to Rick's house." I said. Fresh air is good, but not when it feels like Jack Frost is trying to sandblast your face off.
We walked through the door and not a fourth of a second later Chazz blurted "Rick is like us!" quite loudly.
"Shhhhhhh!" he hissed. Literally. As in like a cat. As in like us.
"Be quiet! Yes. I'm a mutant. Exactly like you." Rick sighed.
"You showed him your ears!!?" I yelled.
"No. They didn't. It's a long story about how they found out. I have something important to tell you. My name isn't really Rick. It's Sennet. I track and free others like you. Some have gotten ahold of computers and made blogs. There's one group I want you to help me with." Rick, er, Sennet explained. This is a little fast.

Friday, February 02, 2007


"Hey! I see him" Britt yelled excidedly. She took off, raceing Chazz to Rick's house.
"Should we catch up with them?" I asked Tiger.
"Nah. Lets stay back." He replied. Okay those of you paying attention, tell me, is this the way a guy acts when he likes you? I really don't know. I've never mat a guy who liked me like that. Or a guy my age at all, except for Tiger.
Soon Chazz won to Rick. He seemed to be a nice guy. He slapped Chazz a high-five and encouraged Britt.
" He seemes to be a nice guy." I said.
"Hmm." was Tiger's reply. I don't think he trusts Rick. It's probably because he hasn't been around many people.
"Hey! You guys must be Muse and Tiger. Are ya hungry? I made hamburgers." Rick said happily.
"Yeah we're starved!" Chazz replied as he ran in.
"I also have some veggies ." Rick said as we followed him towards the kitchen. Soon the kittens were in their seats and I was asking them what they wanted to drink.
"Do you guys like Dr. Pepper? I've got plenty of it." Rick called out, his head in the fridge.
"Dr. Pepper sounds great. Do you want some, Tiger?" I asked.
" I'll have water." he mumbled as he walked towards the cups.
Just as he was about to fill his glass, Rick said, " Don't drink the city water. It tastes bad. Here, have a bottled water.", and he tossed Tiger one.
"It's allright, Muse, do you want it?" Tiger asked as he handed me the bottle.
"Sure. I don't need to have a whole lot of sugar any way." I replied and took the bottle.
"Can I have some cheese on mine?" Chazz asked.
"Me too?" Britt chimed in.
"Of course. You guys want any?" he asked me and Tiger.
"No thanks." I replied. Tiger didn't say anything. His arms were crossed over his chest.
"Before you dig in, we need to pray." Rick announced. He siad a short prayer and we ate.
"This is great!" Chazz said after his first bite. I shook my head in agreement.
"Thanks. Hey, I forgot, does anyone want chips?" he asked and held up a bag of barb.q. flavored chips.
"Nah." Brittany and Chazz said at the same time. I shook my head no, and Tiger kept eating.
Once we were done Rick offered Chazz a turn on his xbox 360. And Brittany the magical internet. I love the internet. He even showed her the best sites.
"What do you want to do? I've got games or you can wait till one of the other kids are done." he offered once he was done.
"I'm going out for a walk." Tiger mumbled as he grabed his hoodie.
"I'll go too." I said and followed Tiger out.
"Don't be gone too long." Rick said as we walked out the door.
"What is wrong with you! Why can't you be nice and at least talk to the guy?! Why are you acting so rude?!" I said as we left.
"I don't know. Ugh. Please. Please let us leave soon." Tiger said. Something was wrong. I could tell. Maybe I shouldn't have exploded.
"Okay. We'll rest. Two days tops. Then we'll leave. Deal?" I said.

Friday, January 05, 2007

HEY!!! :) (:

Here's something cool.
------------------m-----oLo-----m--------------------------- can you guess what it is? I'll tell you later.
I'm in typeing now. I'm so bad. Now I will type the scentence"Hello my name is George." Without looking.Hellp mu na,e is George, . I'm just now learning the home row, so that's good, I guess. In career exp. my class will have to do 30 hrs. of comm. service. I'm going to try to type again.Hello my n;ame is George. Hey! Cool! I just looked at the board for a little bit before this! One more time, I didn't mean to hit ; .
Hello my name is George.

Friday, December 29, 2006


Chazz stared at him bug eyed, and Brittany had her mouth open in disbelief.
"How did you do that?!" I yelled.I wonder if we can do it too.
"I was just thinking how great it'd be if I were a real tiger and bam! I'm a tiger!" He said excitedly.
I started thinking about my favorite big cat. Cheetah. Cheetah. Fast as light. Free as the wind. Cheetah. Cheetah.
Then I realized my eyes were closed.I looked at my hands. Nothing. Then I saw the kittens trying it too. Nothing for them either.
"Maybe I'm the only one with it. Sorry. Hey! Maybe you guys will get an even better power, like flying. Or breathing under water!" Tiger tried to cheer the kittens up.
"Guys! Rick is expecting us! He's kind enough to wait for us in the cold! Let's go!" I hurried them. It's not really that I care much about Rick, it's just the kittens are going to catch a cold. Crap! I sound like a mom! Good thing Rick is takeing care of us for a while.
We walked for a few more minutes, and Tiger found out how to change back. Soon I could see houses, but no one was out.
"Maybe he got cold." Brittany said. A strong wind chilled me to the bone.
Maybe since I'm tall I could pass as a 16 year old, and get a job. Then I could buy a decent jacket for Britt. And some pants for everyone. If a miracle happens and we actually have spare money I could buy a book. Man that'd ROCK!
"Muse, look ahead. It's a dead end. We should walk back to Scott's house. If we see Rick then we'll go in." Tiger said without looking at me. "Are you cold? I have an extra jacket." Tiger offered.
"No." I lied. I'll get warm once I'm in either Rick or Scott's house. I forced myself not to shiver as another wind blew.
Tiger took his backpack off, took his hoodie off, and gave it to me. Then ha put the other one from his backpack on.
"Thanks." I mumbled as I put it on. I hate it when he can tell if I'm lieing.
"Your welcome." Tiger said. I'm not sure, but for a split second it looked like he was smiling. He knows I hate asking for help, but I don't think he was trying to make me mad.
Does he like me? As in like me like me? He didn't mind the boyfriend idea, but he's like a brother. Once again. Awkward.

Saturday, December 16, 2006


Once Scott was out we knew we could come in. He had cooked us a feast. We each had five strips of bacon, three pancakes, seven eggs and four glasses of orange jucie. Once we were done Scott called his friend, Rick. Rick really didn't seem to want us there, but it was shelter. I don't care if we have to do all the house work, as long as we have enough food and rest I'm o.k.
Once we finished cleaning up breakfast for Scott [since it was the least we could do] we got our stuff out of the shed and waited for Rick's address.
"It's about a mile down Cedar Road. Can you guys make it there ? Rick will be waiting outside for you." Scott told us as we headed out. So we walked and walked and walked. About ten minutes later we saw Cedar Road.
"Hmmmmmm... more woodsy stuff. I wonder if there's any deer." Tiger said. Suddenly he got a new power. He turned into a real tiger!
"Wayyyyyyyy cool" he growled.


Once Scott was out we knew we could come in. He had cooked us a feast. We each had five strips of bacon, three pancakes, seven eggs and four glasses of orange jucie. Once we were done Scott called his friend, Rick. Rick really didn't seem to want us there, but it was shelter. I don't care if we have to do all the house work, as long as we have enough food and rest I'm o.k.
Once we finished cleaning up breakfast for Scott [since it was the least we could do] we got our stuff out of the shed and waited for Rick's address.
"It's about a mile down Cedar Road. Can you guys make it there ? Rick will be waiting outside for you." Scott told us as we headed out. So we walked and walked and walked. About ten minutes later we saw Cedar Road.
"Hmmmmmm... more woodsy stuff. I wonder if there's any deer." Tiger said. Suddenly he got a new power. He turned into a real tiger!
"Wayyyyyyyy cool" he growled.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006


"What the heck did you do that for?! You killed my uncle!" cried Courtney. Apparently she had no idea what was going on.
"Your uncle almost killed your dad. I just saved your life!" I yelled.
"Do you even know my dad or me?!" Courtney screamed. It is really getting loud.
"Your name is Courtney. Scott is your dad's name. He is blind." I said calmly. I hpoe she believed me.
"AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!You killed my dad and uncle and now you're after me! AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! Someone! Help!Help!" she yelled. Lights started comeing on. I took off. Maybe if I take Scott to her. She'll believe me then!
As I came into the woods I listened for Tiger, Scott, and the kittens.Soon I could hear Chazz talking to Scott.
"So. When do you think Muse is getting back?" he asked Scott.
"Who? You mean the older girl?She never told me her name. Muse, like the goddess of the arts in atient Greek mythology?" Scott asked Chazz.
"Huh? What are you talking about?" Britt piped in.
"Hey guys! Is Scott okay? Hey Scott, can you do us a favor? We kinda have to go. Oh yeah, and I kinda scarred Courtney." I told Scott all about how I saved his daughter and she's okay. But she may have called the cops.
"I don't think she did. My phone is in brial so she'd have a hard time finding the numbers. She'll scream and shout if she ses you, Muse. So I don't really think staying in my house is a good idea. I'll see what I can do with the shed. Courtney used it as a clubhouse in summer a few years back. She'd sleep there with the door locked. Sometimes I couldn't wake her up. She is a heavy sleeper. If you guys can sleep there for tonight I'll see if Rick will let you stay at his house." Scott Told us as we walked to his house. Sleep. That sounds good right now. I thought as we climbed into the small cabin like shed.
"This reminds me of our old house. 'Sept it's smaller." Chazz whispered. Before I knew it I was asleep.